MSM30116 - Certificate III in Process Manufacturing

Nationally Recognised Training

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Qualification Start Date End Date Classes Units Location Staff
Certificate III in Process Manufacturing Mon 7th Oct 2024 Fri 6th Dec 2024 22 units Armadale Avi Patel

BSBOPS304Deliver and monitor a service to customers
MEM15004BPerform Inspection
MSMENV272Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
MSMSUP101Clean workplace or equipment
MSMSUP106Work in a team
MSMSUP210Process and record information
MSMSUP291Participate in continuous improvement
MSMSUP303Identify equipment faults
MSMSUP382Provide coaching/mentoring in the workplace
MSMSUP383Facilitate a team
MSMWHS100Follow WHS procedures
MSMWHS110Follow emergency response procedures
MSMWHS200Work safely
MSMWHS300Facilitate the implementation of WHS for a work group
MSS402040Apply 5S procedures
MSS402051Apply quality standards
PMBHAN103Shift materials safely by hand
REVIEWAssessment Day
TLIA0004Complete receival and despatch documentation
TLIA0010Identify goods and store to specifications
TLIA0015Organise receival and despatch operations
TLIX0013XMaintain stock control and receivals

Certificate III in Process Manufacturing Mon 11th Nov 2024 Wed 22nd Jan 2025 22 units Malaga Reg Mifflin

Training Courses